Terms & Conditions


WE reserve the right to demand an additional payment if the vehicle is returned late after the loan period expires as above at the rate of RM 10.00 / hour and if there is less petrol oil bar after return, WE reserve the right to demand payment at the rate of RM 10.00 / bar.

If it is found that there is a destination mismatch as written in this form, then WE have the right to demand any compensation charges from the CUSTOMER.

It is the CUSTOMER's responsibility not to lend this vehicle to any individual other than the CUSTOMER and the CUSTOMER is also reminded not to allow this vehicle to be driven by individuals who do not have a valid driver's license. WE have the right to claim damages if this happens to the CUSTOMER at that time.

The maximum number of passengers in this vehicle is 5 people only including the driver. The CUSTOMER is responsible if the passenger limit exceeds the required amount.

The CUSTOMER is not allowed to use this vehicle for any type of criminal activity or offense against the laws of the State of Malaysia and if convicted, then the CUSTOMER is fully responsible for it.

It is the CUSTOMER's responsibility to pay all summonses, compounds or fines during the loan period as above.

WE reserve the right to claim any compensation if there is any damage / accident involving the vehicle during the loan period as above.

If the vehicle is not found/lost/severely damaged either during/after the loan period of this vehicle as above, the CUSTOMER is responsible for bearing all costs incurred by US involving this vehicle.

WE reserve the right to request and keep a copy of the Identity Card/ Driving License/ Student Card / Employee Card of the CUSTOMER of this vehicle for reference purposes.